Sunday, March 1, 2009

Im sitting in a Lay Z Boy watching Casper after DJing a sorority formal that went very well, especially getting $43.75 an hour, heck yes beezies!  They ended it early so I got packed up and had a beer with the restaurant manager and workers, which brings me back to where I am.  I just ate some shitty sushi from Safeway at 1:30am cause I was craving im not too happy with my decision.

I'll probably see my Frat Bros and a few other friends today...after I go to sleep and then wake up.  Ha!  Then its off to work and the beginning of a long-ass week.  Maybe I should just skip work and school and drive down to SLO....hmmmm.


  1. Skipping work and school for SLO sounds like an amazing idea. I'm glad the DJing went well...nice buckarooos babiiee
